On liberation

As I was looking for images and features of a poet I found a video on youtube
(the same one featured below)
of the thirty fourth anniversary of the revolution in Portugal. It happened a few years before I was born so I never had to endure the absence of freedom
(or what i think to be freedom is something thatiI take for granted whilst there is not a single day that passes that i don't feel more observed my life channelled through different media that compile information about me for unknown reasons)
. Yet, the imagery and video were so powerful.
For the first time I caught a glimpse of it, I finally understood why both Mother and Father always sustained the opinion that following generations
(to their own)
never valued the importance of the day and how it was slowly fading away in the collective memory of Portugal. I felt so moved, so emotionally entangled. In the faces of men and women celebrating was the utter feeling of happiness.
The songs featured, the poetry are something too Portuguese, but what remains, what is of most importance, what endures after, are the faces, the sheer elation of freedom
(a year and a half later the country was on the brink of civil war which failed to happen)
, and that has no language or culture.

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